Job Match UH

Job Match UH

Job Match’UH is a web application that I built along with four other talented computer science classmates, Eda, Michelle, Larissa, and Cameron this Spring 2022. Ideally built to cater for the UH community, Job Match’UH is a platform that allows UH students and companies to connect with each other for job opportunities. Students who have interests as similar to a company’s are able to match with one another, in which they would have an access to see each other’s profile. As difficult as it can be when it comes to job-seeking, our team created Job Match’UH to provide an efficient platform for UH students to look for jobs, so as for companies to recruit UH students.

There is no I in Team

Among the many pages that Job Match’UH has, I was particularly focused on creating the frameworks and functionality for the company side. Creating company profile, job postings, and view job description were some of the pages that I worked on a lot, ensuring that these pages coincides with the overall flow of the website. Though I’d like to point out that these pages wouldn’t have been successful if it weren’t for the contribution of my teammates, along with our TA Branden. Their guidance, suggestions, and criticism has what helped me ensure that these pages ran successfully. And this applies for the overall development of the website. Each page within Job Match’UH holds a contribution from all team members, whether it be an assitance, review, or even moral support.

Learning Outcome

Creating Job Match’UH was much more difficult than I expected. Once our team tackled down the layout of the website, figuring out the functionality and be able to connect them with each other was difficult. Working the back-end side of the application was extremely complex and oftentimes difficult to understand. It was like trying to solve a puzzle, the puzzle being one whole color. Fortunately, we managed to tackle such difficult phase in our project through the help of our TA, Branden. He saw errors that none of us was able to see, and proposed pathway solutions that we didn’t know even existed. He was the unsung hero throughout our project. Job Match’UH would be a crashing website if it weren’t for Branden’s help.

Despite how difficult it was though, I really enjoyed developing Job Match’UH. No matter how complex the project has become, I’ve found each struggle so rewarding because I knew that I was learning something new. Each new skill learned led to a closer pathway into becoming a better software engineer.

You can check out the source code of Job Match’UH through here.